Governance and Business Ethics in Developing Countries


  • Mast. Afrin Sultana Green University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Globalization, Developing countries, Business ethics,


Globalization and rise of emerging countries attracted many western companies to the rapid developing markets. These new locations are much different from their home countries in terms of social, economic, political and cultural aspects that have important effects on managerial practices including governance and business ethics. Western companies need to go beyond the host countries regulations for implementing ethical standards and should do the trade-off between following their home countries ethical practices and host counties ethical concerns. Based on comprehensive literature review, this paper develops several propositions for empirically testing in a future paper.



How to Cite

Mast. Afrin Sultana. (2023). Governance and Business Ethics in Developing Countries. Global Business and Economics Journal (GBEJ), 1(1). Retrieved from