Current Issue
Global Business and Economics Journal (GBEJ) is published by Global Business and Economics Research Center in Canada (GBERCC). The GBERCC is an initiative of researchers interested in knowledge creation, sharing, and dissemination in relation to the changing scenarios of globalization or slowbalization and its impact on business, economy, and society. It aims to meet public needs acting in the areas of education, life-long learning, training, scientific research, organizing of scientific, cultural, and other events. We are currently developing partnerships with other like-minded organizations, universities, and research centers.
Aims and Scope of the GBEJ
Aim and scope of the GBEJ is to create a platform for knowledge generation, transmission and sharing on global business and economics in an era of historical re-organization of global value chain and changing world economic orders. Unprecedented technological development, rising awareness of Environmental, Social, and (Corporate) Governance (ESG) and UN agenda 2030 for sustainable development goals (SDG) have created an accelerated need of re-evaluating our business models and to guide our business community on how to develop their capabilities to overcome the challenges and opportunities that they will face in the coming years and decades. The GBEJ would like to be part of this historic process by bringing the cutting edge research findings to the practitioners and other researchers for further knowledge creation and dissemination. Our focus will be how both multinationals and national economic agents re-configure their business and economic activities in this new era. Our particular focus will be on emerging country markets, their evolution and re-organization of their economic and business activities in these changing global economic scenarios.