Aims & Scope

Global Business and Economics Research Center in Canada (GBERCC) is an initiative of researchers interested in knowledge creation, sharing and dissemination in relation to the changing scenarios of globalization or slowbalization and its impact on business, economy and society. It aims to meet public needs acting in the areas of education, life-long learning, training, scientific research, organizing of scientific, cultural and other events.

Aims & scope of activities undertaken by GBERCC:

  • Providing of information, training and consulting services
  • Support researchers and create a platform where like-minded research scholars can share and collaborate in innovative research projects.
  • Teaching and education of employees and raising of qualification
  • Publishing, printing, disseminating
  • Organizing of conferences, seminars, exhibitions and other public events
  • Partnership with similar organizations, research centers and universities from across the globe for developing collaborative projects, research and disseminations. 
  • Cooperating with business and social entrepreneurial individuals and organizations.
  • Preparation and implementation of relevant projects
  • Participation and partnership in projects, publishing and relevant activities
  • Implementing of listed and similar activities by fostering internationalization

Full membership: Individuals who are engaging himself or herself with the activities related to the aims and scope of GBERCC are invited to join this organization and contribute to achieving the goals and objectives of the organization. Please send your updated CV for full membership to: mamun.laval@gmail.com

Associate membership: Students and young people who are developing their expertise in the aims and scope of GBERCC area through formal and informal training, education and so one are invited to join as Associate member of this organization. Please send your CV for consideration: mamun.laval@gmail.com

N.B. List of International Partners will be updated soon.